6 Ways You’ll Save Money Using Stacking Totes

6 Ways You’ll Save Money Using Stacking Totes

Containers for seafood

Saving money is key to success in the warehousing industry. From the high cost of renting a warehouse to shipping and labor, you need to trim costs everywhere you can. Stacking totes help you save money in more ways than one. You can use them for shipping and organizing your inventory. Learn about the many benefits of using stacking totes in your warehouse.

Durable and Reliable

Plastic stacking totes are a durable and efficient storage option. They won’t degrade or fall apart over time, so you don’t have to worry about buying new containers every month or so. They’re completely reusable and can be used to ship and store all kinds of products. You can buy your shipping and storage materials in bulk, instead of buying different kinds of containers for individual products. They’re also weather-proof, so the rain and snow won’t damage your inventory.

Boosting Employee Efficiency

With wages on the rise for warehouse employees, you can boost efficiency in the workplace by switching to plastic totes and stackable crates.

  • Keeping Items Accessible

These containers keep your goods accessible in the workplace. They come with slanted openings that make it easy for your employees to retrieve the items they need. They don’t have to mess with lids and slats that might otherwise get in their way. You can stack these totes on top of each other to keep similar items close together. Your employees won’t have to travel as far when picking items off the shelf.

Red and blue plastic bins at sorting shelf in warehouse

  • Color-coding Your Inventory

Plastic totes come in a wide variety of colors, including red, yellow, blue and green, just to name a few. While this is a great way to brighten up the interior of your warehouse, you can also use colored totes to color-code your inventory. Instead of looking at signs and SKU numbers, your employees can quickly find what they need just by looking at the color of the container. This will also help you improve the order fulfillment process since you can get your packages out the door as soon as possible.

Customizable for Your Products

Plastic totes also come in a wide range of sizes and styles, depending on your needs. This helps you reduce your shipping costs by finding a container that’s close in size to your products. You won’t have to overpay for shipping just because you couldn’t find a smaller container. You can even custom order plastic totes and crates for your products so your goods won’t move around as much during transit. You also won’t have to spend as much money on shipping materials like foam and plastic wrap.


When it comes to shipping, stackable totes are a cost-effective alternative to wooden crates and metal containers. They keep your goods safe without affecting your bottom line. Plastic tends to be cheaper than other materials, so you won’t have to pay as much upfront for shipping or storage. These containers will also last the test of time so you don’t have to keep buying new containers.

Universal Storage Organizer Rack With Plastic Bins and Boxes

Making Room in Your Warehouse

Renting a warehouse isn’t exactly cheap, so it’s best to make the most of every square inch of your facility. With collapsible or stackable crates and totes, you can easily move containers out of the way when they’re not in use. Your containers won’t take up valuable real estate when they’re just collecting dust. Your team can easily deploy these containers when new orders come in–instead of having to assemble packages from scratch.

When storing your products on stack racks, you can make the most of every shelf with plastic totes. You can create smaller shelves for individual products without having to invest in new stack racks or adjusting your current layout.


Plastic also weighs less than most shipping containers, including those made from wood and metal. This means you won’t have to pay as much for shipping, which is calculated by size and weight. While cardboard boxes may be even lighter, they may put your packages at risk during transit. Plastic totes give you the best of both worlds–low-cost shipping and durable packaging.

If your warehouse is on a tight budget, you can save money with plastic totes and crates. Regardless of what you’re trying to ship or store, there’s a plastic crate out there for you. Keep your goods secure in and out of the warehouse with plastic totes.