Plastic Gaylord Containers are plastic bulk containers that can hold loose product, in a manner similar to cardboard gaylord boxes. In fact, plastic gaylords are more often called pallet containers, but many people in the industry see the similarity between pallet containers and gaylord boxes, so it is only natural to call them plastic gaylords. Some plastic bulk containers are very similar to gaylord boxes. Well, if you are looking to puchase plastic gaylords, specifically used plastic gaylords, then Container Exchanger can help you. We buy and sell used plastic gaylord shipping containers. See below for a couple of sample container pictures.
Used Plastic GaylordsPlastic gaylords are usually collapsible. Used collapsible plastic gaylords are made from a rigid structural foam material that is extremely strong and durable. These collapsible gaylords are suitable for many manufacturing applications, such as part storage or part transport. The weight capacity on collapsible plastic gaylord boxes varies, but generally, the capacity ranges from 1,500 lbs to 2,500 lbs.
The other primary options with plastic gaylord bins is the color and the number of drop doors, or access panels. The access panels provide a way to access product that may be in the bottom of the bin without an operator leaning over the sidewall of the container. |